Creative Studio for Solution Seeking, Product Prototyping, Development & Promotion needs support

About Me

My name is Katarzyna Drobner. I am from Poland, where I received my artistic education. I come from a family of artists and professors who have been teaching art for four generations. I have inherited a passion for teaching, sharing my knowledge, and supporting local communities.

I can also boast a strong analytical mind and keen observation skills, which have allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the situation in this dynamically developing country after 12 years of living in Dehradun, a village in Tehri Garhwal, and travelling across India.

With my 30-year career as a designer, I am confident that I have sufficient knowledge to share with others. I love India and its people, and I am deeply committed to the sustainable development of this place. I see its potential and would like to contribute to its growth. I am a very practical person and a workaholic, which is why I do what I do.

My personal goal is to create and promote a common building technique from pine needles so everybody in the mountains collects it - in place of setting fire to get rid of them.

Current Activities

 I am currently leading a small investment in Bhopal Pani, on the way from Dehradun to the Airport and Rishikesh, which includes an initial machinery park. This is really just the beginning, we haven't received all the ordered machines yet.

 In this space, we would like to focus on training both designers and craftsmen, supporting them in skill development and the introduction of innovative technologies. Our activities aim to assist small institutions in entering the market and developing new products, including cosmetic brands. Additionally, we are actively developing our own design brand, emphasising creativity and sustainability.

Creative Studio for Solution Seeking, Product Prototyping, Development, and Promotion “Art Factory”

Our studio, known as the Art Factory, is an innovative centre that combines advanced technologies for single-unit manufacturing with the education of young designers and craftsmen. Our primary goals include developing modern solutions, creating prototypes, and promoting new products, thereby supporting local small and medium-sized enterprises.

Currently, our studio is equipped with advanced CNC machinery, including milling machines, UV printers, laser cutting devices, and 3D printers. With these tools, we can execute a wide range of projects, from prototyping to small-scale production. Our studio functions as an educational centre where young designers gain practical experience working with various materials and technologies. Our activities also encompass the pursuit of innovative solutions and the development of new products.

This project was conceived to showcase our capabilities, skills, and vision to potential investors. It is a preliminary step towards a larger project, aimed at building trust and demonstrating the potential of our studio. We are creating a brand of creative education for designers, aspiring to be recognised as a centre of innovation and education.

Key Elements of Our Activities:

Training Designers and Craftsmen:

Support for Small Institutions:

Prototyping and Production:

Workshops and Training:

Promotion and Product Sales:

Development of Our Design Brand:

Values of Our Activities:

Festival of Design

What is Design?

Design is far more than traditional crafts or digital creations; it is a dynamic process that shapes everything around us. From the layout of a smartphone app to the ergonomic chair you sit in, design influences how things look, function, and feel. It's about solving problems and enhancing our experiences, whether through beautiful graphics, efficient products, or sustainable buildings.

Design is everywhere. It involves creativity, science, and technology, coming together to improve the way we live and interact with the world. It’s the reason a smartphone fits comfortably in your hand, a logo becomes instantly recognizable, or a city park feels inviting and accessible. Design is about making life better, more efficient, and more enjoyable by thoughtfully combining form and function.

Objective: To establish a premier annual or biennial design festival in Dehradun that celebrates and promotes the innovative spirit of Indian design, fostering creativity, collaboration, and sustainable practices within the industry.


The Festival of Design is the next project we would like to organize in Dehradun. Our aim is to create a leading design event in India that showcases the transformative power of design in urban and cultural development. By providing a platform for designers, artists, and innovators, the festival seeks to enhance the creative landscape of Dehradun and position the city as a hub of design excellence.

Key Features of the Festival:

1. Exhibitions and Installations:

2. Workshops and Masterclasses:

3. Talks and Panel Discussions:

4. Networking and Business Opportunities:

Vision and Impact

Inspired by successful events like the Kochi-Muziris Biennale, the Festival of Design aims to make a significant cultural and economic impact on Dehradun. The Biennale has transformed Kochi into a thriving art destination, attracting over 600,000 visitors per edition and involving multiple venues across the city, including galleries, public spaces, and heritage sites. The influx of visitors has boosted the local economy, generating substantial revenue for local businesses, hotels, and restaurants.

Long-term Goals:

Support and Collaboration

To bring this vision to life, we seek the support of local government, private institutions, and community stakeholders. By working together, we can create an event that not only enriches the cultural landscape of Dehradun but also drives economic growth and innovation.


The Festival of Design has the potential to become an essential destination for anyone passionate about design, creativity, and innovation. With the right support, we can establish Dehradun as a leading centre for design, fostering an environment of creativity and progress.

Startup in the Mountains


 To create a unique village dedicated to collaboration among designers, craftsmen, and investors, promoting innovation, education, and sustainable development in a picturesque mountain setting.


The startup aims to establish an innovative and collaborative space where creative professionals can immerse themselves in an environment conducive to personal and professional growth. The remote mountain location is ideal for focused work and creative inspiration, away from the distractions of urban life.

Key Features

  1. Design and Innovation Village:
  1. Educational and Training Programs:
  1. Support for Crafts Across India:
  1. Prototype and Product Development:
  1. Integration of Design and Nature:

Long-term Goals

  1. Community and Economic Development:

  1. Innovation Hub:
  1. Preservation of Heritage:
  1. Sustainable Growth:

Current Activities in Bhopal Pani

Our current efforts in Bhopal Pani serve as a pilot project to showcase our capabilities and potential to investors. By demonstrating the power of our innovative approach and the impact of our training and development programs, we aim to attract support and investment for the larger vision of the mountain village. This initiative is a registered startup under the Startup India program, underscoring our commitment to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship.

Katarzyna Drobner
Director & CEO Dobrostan Mission Pvt Ltd
Tel/Whatsapp: +91 81261 08759